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Laura Von Chamier

How Strategy Consulting Adapts to Climate Crisis and AI in Turmoil

A shift in focus and response to changing client needs

As the world grapples with the intertwined challenges of climate change and artificial intelligence (AI), strategy consulting firms are being forced to rethink their approaches and embrace new ways of working to meet the evolving needs of their clients.

Climate Crisis: A New Lens for Strategy

The urgency of addressing climate change has become an undeniable priority for businesses and governments alike. Strategy consulting firms have recognized this and are increasingly incorporating climate considerations into their advisory services.

Specifically, they are helping clients develop strategies to:

  • Reduce their carbon footprint and transition to sustainable operations
  • Adapt their business models to the impacts of climate change
  • Capitalize on new opportunities arising in the green economy

AI Disruption: Embracing Innovation

The rapid advancements in AI have also had a profound impact on strategy consulting. Firms are leveraging AI-powered tools and methodologies to enhance their research, analysis, and problem-solving capabilities.

This includes:

  • Using machine learning algorithms to identify trends and predict market behavior
  • Developing AI-enabled decision-support systems to help clients make more informed choices
  • Automating repetitive tasks to free up consultants for more strategic work


As the world continues to navigate the complexities of climate crisis and AI disruption, strategy consulting firms are playing a critical role in helping clients adapt and thrive. By integrating sustainability and innovation into their core offerings, they are empowering organizations to confront these challenges head-on and achieve success in an ever-changing landscape.
